Type a brief paragraph explaining the purpose of this web page.
There seems to be some interest
in these thoughts I have to share
it's nothing more than encouraging words
that we all do need to hear
From the universe to you my friends
the messages get sent
I have no part in what they say
or know for whom they're meant
some say that I speak just to them
say words they need to hear
when woes are glimpsed through Friday eyes
the path gets crystal clear
some say my words cause higher thoughts
when life looks much too bleak
the truth is that your soul attracts
the words your teachers speak
then someone in your life appears
be it friend, foe, mate or mother
and brings with them the daily lesson
that finds you one way or another
It's not FROM us no, but THROUGH us
that other people's lives we bless
when once we choose to share the wealth
through talents we possess
your smile, your touch, your words a laugh
even your email as my admirer
in turn you too will play the role
of someone else's INSPIRER...
Prayer refers to the
multfaceted communication of believers with the Lord
> God. In addition to such words as "prayer" and "praying" this activity is
> described as calling upon God, calling upon the name of the Lord, crying unto
> the Lord, lifting up one's soul unto God, seeking the Lord, coming boldly
> unto the throne of grace, and drawing near to God.
> Prayer is the necessary link to receiving God's blessings and power, and the
> fulfillment of His promises. In his plan of salvation for humankind, God has
> proclaimed that believers be coworkers with Him in the redemption process.
> Several conditions must be met for our prayers to be effective.
> Our prayers will not be answered unless we have a sincere, true faith. Jesus
> said this; (What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye
> receive them, and ye shall have them.) Mark 11:24
> Prayer must also be made in Jesus Name. Jesus said this: (And whatsoever ye
> shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the
> Son.) John 14:13-14
> Prayer can only be effective if it is made according to the perfect will of
> God. Not only must we pray according to God's will, but we must be in God's
> will if we expect Him to hear and answer us. God will give us the things we
> ask for only if we seek first His Kingdom and His Righteousness. We can be
> sure that any prayer that is truly based upon the promises of God in His Word
> will indeed be effective.
> Obeying God's commandments, loving Him, and pleasing Him are indispensable
> conditions for receiving answers to prayer.
> Conversely, the psalmist claims that if we cherish sin in our lives, "The
> Lord will not hear " our prayers. (Ps 66:18) This sort of attitude was the
> main reason why the Lord turned his ear away from the prayers of the
> idolatrous and wicked Israelites (Is. 1:15.) But if God's people repent of
> their sins and turn from their wicked ways, the Lord promises to again turn
> His ear toward them, forgive their sins, and heal their land. (2 Cor. 7:14,
> Luke 18:14).
> Note that the prayer of the high priest for the forgiveness of the sins of
> the Israelites in the Day of Atonement would not be heard until his own
> sinful conditions had been cleansed. (Ex. 26:33.)
> Proverbs 18:9 His prayer shall be abomination.
> God will not answer the prayers of those who have no sincere commitment to
> obey Him and His Word. To compromise our commitment to God and His word by
> participating in even a few sinful pleasures will render our prayers
> ineffective. (Ps 66:18)
> Prayer without love for God's law is hypocrisy and is insulting to Him. (1
> John 3:22)
> In this life we have an adversity, SATAN (1 Peter 5:8) Prayer can protect us
> from the evil one. (Matt. 6:13) In our prayers, we should cry out against sin
> and justice. Persistent prayer is counted as faith. In these last days there
> will be increased diabolic opposition to prayers of
> the faithful (1 Tim. 4:1). Because of SATAN and the pleasures of this world,
> many will cease having persistent prayer life (Matt. 13:22, Mark 4:19).
Last Updated July 23, 1999 by J-Jesus F-Freak C-Club